Highlights from my hockey session with the U9 Current River Comets at Grandview Arena.
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Highlights from my session with the U11AA Westfort Maroons at Grandview Arena.
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Highlights from the U13AA Bearcats Hockey Session at Grandview Arena.
Read MoreU13A North End Blazers - Grandview Arena
Highlights from the U13A North End Blazers hockey session at Grandview Arena.
Read MoreU9 Current River Blazing Comets + North End Blazers Hockey Session
Highlights from my combined session with the U9 Current River Blazing Comets + U9 North End Blazers at Grandview Arena.
Read MoreU13A North End Flames - Grandview Arena
Highlights from my recent session with the U13A North End Flames at Grandview Arena.
Read MoreU9 Westfort Maroons Hockey Session - Grandview Arena
My last hockey session of the year was with the amazing group of kids on the U9 Westfort Maroons. After capturing their portraits in the locker room we headed to the ice for the team photo and of course, some action shots during their practice. I got a lot of great moments!
Read MoreU13A Current River Comets - Grandview Arena
I had another fun hockey session, this time with the U13A Current River Comets at Grandview Arena. As usual, we go some amazing locker room portraits of each player. While waiting for the ice to be cleaned, I snapped a few locker room candids as well. This is definitely something I want to do more of if time permits. All in all it was a great session!
Read MoreCurrent River Comets - Grandview Gardens
My latest hockey photo session was with the Current River Comets at Grandview Gardens. Amongst the chaos in the dressing room we managed to get player portraits of each of the kids in there. Then it was time to get out on the ice for the group shot, and something a little bit different this time around.
Read MoreU11 Flames Hockey Photos - Grandview Arena
It was time for another hockey session, this time with the boys U11 Flames team. Just like the last one with the U13 Girls team, we did all the player portraits in the change room, the the team photo on the ice. That left a little bit of time for me to capture some of their practice.
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