I’ll start with a little bit of a back story in regards to my A6300. I’m almost coming up on a year since purchasing it. The main reason I got it was to use as an introduction to film video. I wanted to start teaching myself video and learning the ins and outs and just overall experimenting and having fun.
Read MoreVictoria Street with the Nikon DF
I have been forcing myself to take the weekends off from the gym. It’s hard for me to not be active so I still try to go for a walk to get some exercise. Yesterday was actually a nice day out and a reprieve from the very cold weather we have been having. I asked my wife Anne if she wanted to join me for a photo walk but she decided to just stay in.
Read MoreDowntown with the Fuji X100F
This afternoon I decided to head downtown for an espresso at my favourite coffee shop in town. For the second week in a row, it was closed early. I even went earlier this time. I wasn’t planning on walking around and taking photos but I did bring my Fuji X100F with me so I decided to spend about an hour walking around.
Read MoreLong Exposure Street Photography with the Ricoh GR II
As much as I love photographing around town here in Thunder Bay, it’s sometimes hard to find the motivation to do so. I imagine a lot of photographers around the world have creative ruts. It doesn’t help when it’s -25 out and the days are short. So, it’s important to look for different ways to look at things and different ways of shooting. Long exposure photography is a great way to do that. It often takes the usual ordinary scene and transforms it into something completely unique.
Read MoreBraving the Winter with the Nikon DF
As I mentioned in me previous post, I recently purchased a Nikon DF. It’s been a long time coming and I’m so excite to finally own one. In the past week I have used it extensively, just for personal and fun photography. I am anxious to use it only paid sessions along side my D750 ( which is getting repaired at the moment). Until then, I’m going to continue to shoot as much as I can.
Read MoreFirst Weekend with the Nikon DF
With camera gear I’m always reading reviews and watching videos, keeping up to date with what’s new. With that being said, I almost always try to purchase used gear, especially camera bodies and lenses. There are exceptions of course, like a recent Fuji XT3 purchase.
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