This was a very unique engagement session, mainly because I didn't photograph it! What do you do when you are a photographer and you have no choice but to be in front of the camera? Well, you get your son to photograph it for you!
I considered bringing the old tripod out and setting up the timer but I knew Noah had a good understanding of how to use my cameras. I have let him take photos with my camera's before, giving him tips here and there, but now it was time to put those skills to the test. He delivered with flying colours. He also had his friend Preston with him for comedic relief and moral support.
It was very strange being in front of the camera for once. Luckily it's easy to be natural when you have a beautiful Fiancé like Anne beside you and a 13 year old taking your photos. We started the day at Chippewa Park and luckily we picked one of the warmest days of winter so far (although it was still kind of chilly). Once we were done there we made our way to a small little overpass in Westfort. I have always loved this location and I haven't had the chance to use it on one of my professional shoots.
Overall is was such a fun and spontaneous day. Noah did such a fantastic job. I did manage to take one photo and that was of Noah doing his best photographer pose. When it was all said and done though we really came away with some great photos. Of course, I wouldn't have looked half as good if it were not for Anne, who looked as beautiful as ever.
And of course. Thanks you to Preston for, well.. being Preston.